
Elote Recipe–Easy Mexican street Corn at house

This Mexican street Corn Elote recipe is part of a sponsored partnership with Vive Mejor as well as Knorr. All opinions as well as pictures are my own. 

مرحبًا! Today I’m recreating one of my preferred Mexican snacks or side dishes – Mexican street Corn aka Elotes. It’s a very simple recipe you can make a bit lighter than the original. as well as I’m thrilled since even though I like it –  I’ve never made an authentic version at home!
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If you’re not familiar Elotes = Mexican street Corn = legendary corn on the cob slathered with butter, mayo, cheese as well as chili. in some cases you’ll see it served with cilantro, lime, cotija cheese or other toppings however the method I purchased it growing up was primarily that combo.

Oh as well as – if you’re not familiar with elotes… you’re most likely not familiar with the Elote guy aka the man slinging this remarkable snack! He would walk with the community pushing a cart as well as honking a horn to get clients attention. inside the cart he’d have a significant pot of boiled corn as well as around it would be all the toppings: butter, mayo, cheese, chili, etc. When you purchased an elote he’d utilize huge metal tongs to get a corn out of the water as well as stick a wooden stick in it. Then, he’d stack it up with all the toppings as well as hand it over dripping with all the tasty flavors melting together.

Today I made elotes at house as well as it was so good! This may be a new essential for me!

I was influenced by this Grilled street Corn recipe – however made a few swaps to make it a bit lighter…

Instead of grilling – I boiled it in the bouillon. This made the entire corn cob additional juicy as well as flavorful.

Instead of sour cream – I utilized greek yogurt. This made it lower calorie however still creamy.

I utilized additional lime as well as cilantro since I like those flavors.

Mexican street Corn – Elotes Recipe


6 ears corn-on-the-cob

1 Knorr® poultry flavor Bouillon cube

2 tsp. grated lime peel
2 ملعقة كبيرة. fresh lime juice
1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro
1/3 cup Hellmann’s® or finest Foods® Avocado Oil with a hint of Lime Mayonnaise Dressing
1/4 cup ordinary greek yogurt
1 ملعقة كبيرة. ancho chili powder

ملح فلفل

1 cup finely grated Cotija cheese


Fill stock pot with water as well as 2 bouillon cubes – give boil. When it starts to boil add corn on the cob. cook for 8-10 minutes.

While it’s boiling prepare the sauce…

Combine – mayo, greek yogurt, lime, lime peel, cilantro as well as chili in a bowl. يقلب جيدا. add salt as well as pepper as needed to taste.

When corn is done – eliminate as well as pat dry. spread sauce over corn as well as top with cotija cheese. serve with additional lime as well as chili.


Check out – Logramascontucocina.com  for much more information, suggestions as well as physical fitness mindful cooking recipes. 

Get the Elote recipe in Spanish here: Maiz Asado Elote recipe

I want to try the Chimchurri Portobello Rice recipe next!

Question: have you ever had Elotes / Mexican street Corn?

Is there a meal you grew up with that’s kinda distinct to where you lived??

[This Mexican street Corn (Elote) recipe is part of a sponsored partnership with Vive Mejor as well as Knorr. All opinions as well as pictures are my own.]

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⚡ من قبل الشهية


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